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Cozy restaurant with a varied regional menu, offering typical dishes from all
the regions of Brazil, and with a colonial style breakfast, diversified and tasty.

Typical Pantanal cuisine

The Pantanal gastronomy has in its menu the use of fish in the menu, due to the abundance of the same in the rivers of the region, among them we can highlight the Pacu, Peraputanga, Dourado, Pintado and the Piranha, which are served in different ways as fried, stewed, roast and escabechado (fried and stewed). In drinks, Canjinjin, from the municipality of Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade, and grated guarana stand out. In general, whether in savory meals, in drinks, or in sweets, Pantanal cuisine will always be with an extra spice, the culture.

Typical Cerrado cuisine

The cuisine of the cities located in the savanna of Mato Grosso is a tasty mix between the fruits of the region (pequi, banana, cashew and papaya) with the fish of the rivers of the region, where the fish with scales: pacu and peraputanga, and the leather fish known as painted. In drinks, juices from fruits from the cerrado and tereré stand out. In the sweets, rice cake and pixé, as well as other delicacies that have a characteristic flavor, with a delicious pinch of culture and symbolism, are worth mentioning.

Culinaria do Pantanal
Pousada Barra do Arica


Typical food from our region

peraputanga assada


One of the fish most coveted by fishermen who come to fish in the rivers of the state, it is also the main dish of Mato Grosso's cuisine, it is Peraputanga, which is roasted. The ''pear'' as it is called by the riverside people, has an orange flesh, being very tasty.


The popular fish from the matogrossense rivers becomes one of the most requested dishes in the fishmongers along the Cuiabá River. The fish is usually stuffed with banana and cabbage farofa, and on some occasions it is roasted wrapped in a banana leaf. Peraputanga, which is roasted. The ''pear'' as it is called by the riverside people, has an orange flesh, being very tasty.

pacu assado
ventrecha de pacu


The popular fish from the mato-grossense rivers becomes one of the most traditional dishes in the lowlands of Cuiabá. Mysticism surrounds the fish, the riverside people claim that whoever eats the head of Pacu always returns to Cuiabá to eat more.

mojica de pintado


This fish, which is one of the symbols of the State, gives rise to one of the main culinary dishes in Mato Grosso. The dish is made from fish fillets (part without thorns), which are cut into cubes and seasoned with garlic, salt and lemon. A delicious fish stew with cassava and delicacies served with white rice and banana farofa.

caldo de piranha


Piranha is a very common fish in the rivers of Mato Grosso, and its broth is appreciated by inhabitants of all age groups in the state, a full-bodied and tasty broth, which gives energy to work, which cures the famous ''hangover'' of young people who go overboard on the night, that is, it is a typical dish for the residents of this state.

arroz com pequi


The popular fruit of the Brazilian cerrado, added to the bank rice, results in one of the most symbolic dishes in the state. Rice with pequi is really a delicacy to be enjoyed! First, put the pequi in the oil together with garlic and onion to sauté, and dripping water so it doesn't stick to the pan, until the pequi is soft and the water disappears, add the rice and let it fry a little, add it with water and salt, when the rice is almost ready add a little pepper, turn off the heat, and put parsley and chives on top. Maria Isabel The dish that in 2011 was registered as a typical symbol of Mato Grosso is dried meat with rice and seasonings. Tasty and juicy, it is accompanied by delicious beans and banana farofa.



The state is the largest cattle breeder in the country, so it is natural that beef is present in the daily life of the people of Mato Grosso, and because the state has many migrants from the south of Brazil, it is one more reason for Churrasco to be present. in regional cuisine.



It is a sweet based on green papaya and sugar cane rapadura, both are taken to the fire together with ginger, cloves and cinnamon. The sweet is ideal to be consumed with homemade cheese.

doce de caju


The typical fruit of the Brazilian cerrado, gives rise to a very tasty sweet, The cashew is peeled, pierced and squeezed and later it is placed to cook together with water and sugar, until they are soft, after cooling it is put in glass pots.



A traditional biscuit made with wheat, sugar, lard, eggs, salt and fennel. The Biscuit pleases from children to the elderly. Ideal to be consumed in the late afternoon with a hot coffee in the company of neighbors and friends.



One of the most consumed sweets during Holy Week and during the June festival, Canjica is made from white corn suitable for hominy, coconut milk, grated coconut, peanuts, cinnamon and sugar.


The most traditional cake from Cuiabana and the state, the recipe that takes in addition to rice, also manioc, sugar, melted butter, grated coconut, and fennel. The rice is left in the water overnight and then it is pounded into a dough. The cake just taken out of the oven exudes an unmistakable aroma. 

bolo de arroz
farofa de banana


The simple mixture of fried plantain cut into cubes with manioc flour, plus some seasonings (onion and garlic), all of this fried in a pan greased with butter (or oil), results in the banana farofa that goes with almost everything, and is used a lot as an accompaniment to Maria Isabel, but also with other typical dishes of the state.

carne seca com banana da terra


A dish very consumed in the capital of Mato Grosso. It is a very tasty broth, prepared with garlic, onion, tomato sauce, dried meat, plantain (not too green and not too ripe), accompanied by white rice.

paçoca de pilão


Paçoca de pilão is the result of a seasoned farofa based on manioc flour with dried meat and traditional seasonings, which are hand-ground in a pestle, forming a tasty paçoca.

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